10 Key Steps You Must Take To Succeed In The Music Business!

In this FREE ebook you’ll get ten key tips that every DIY and Indie musician needs to know to have a successful career in music.
You’ll also get the latest music marketing strategies that are working right now for our clients.
You’ll get the methods, tools and training to make your dreams a reality.

Grow your fanbase, sell more music and build a full time music career."
Ian Clifford, Make It in Music
Hi, I'm Ian,
I’m here to show you exactly how you can make it in music - whatever that means to you.
From the hobbyist to the superstar, we all have to start somewhere. Whether you want to embrace being a DIY musician or see it as a stepping stone, in today’s world, you are responsible for building your own career.
I’m here to show you how to do it.
I won’t give you any bullshit or untested theory. I’ll give you the knowledge and skills that will deliver real results.
You’ll have to be ready to learn and work hard.
I’m focused on getting real results for the musicians who take this advice and apply it. I actually care about the impact I have and helping people find success using our strategies.
Get stuck in!
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“Ian’s music marketing advice dragged us into the internet age. The power of his fan mailing list methods was proven beyond doubt when we funded our Pledge Music campaign with one email!”
Simon Bartholomew, The Brand New Heavies

“The approach that Make It In Music have taught me has changed my life. I’ve spent twenty years getting nowhere and now, in less than a year, I have a rapidly growing fanbase and I’m selling music every day - and this is just the start. This works!”
Mike Weston, Adult Cinema

“The music industry is light years behind what you can learn from these guys. We reconnected with our fans using their strategy and now we’re selling out every show.”
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“Ian ran a campaign for Tricky that delivered measurable returns and his biggest record in a long time. They managed all the digital marketing and paid media with the benefit of their years of music industry experience. For me the ability to swap horses and turn the wick up and down instantly with their smart advertising was a key to the great success of Tricky's album."
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“Don’t Forget…
Join 20,000 musicians and get access to our ’10 Key Steps…’ eBook and our weekly newsletter full of world class music promotion and marketing tips you can use to build your career.” Ian Clifford – Make It In Music